What is a Life Group?
Life Groups are small community groups that meet once a week to pray, study God's word, and join in life TOGETHER. Any adults are welcome to join a Life Group, whether you are a church member or not. Life Groups usually take a break for the summer months.

Court of Faith (Pickleball Group)
This group meets on Sunday afternoons for a unique blend of Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and pickleball. Led by Ronnie Smith, Charles Hamrick, and Lisa Revels. Sign up now to stay updated!
Led by Ken & Heather Dake, this group meets on a schedule that fits the lives of young people, making it easy for you to connect, grow, and build meaningful relationships. This season, we'll be diving into the study of 'Hebrews' with Derwin Gray. Sign up today to stay in the loop and get all the latest updates!
This group is great for couples with young children or those planning to start a family, this group meets during our Image Bearer session on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30 pm. You'll enjoy a mix of in-home Bible studies and fellowship outings. This year, we'll be working through a parenting course from Family Life Ministries. Sign up to stay informed!
Meets at the home of Ron Ensley in Mount Holly on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30 pm to study “God Will Never Give Up On You” by Max Lucado.
Evening On-Campus - Burrell Group
Meets on the FPC Church Campus at 7 pm on Tuesday evenings to study “Promised Land” and “The Mission of Jesus” from the So That The World May Know series.
Meets on the FPC Church Campus at 10:30 am on Wednesday mornings to study “Living as an Overcomer” by Tony Evans.
Lauren Henderson leads this group.
Stanley - Rhyne/Abernathy Group
Meets at the home of Brian and Anne Abernathy between Stanley and Dallas at 6:30 pm on Wednesday evenings to study “Is Genesis History”
a series put together by Kevin Rhyne, sourcing from many scientists and scholars.
Meets at the home of Robert Rhyne near the church at 6:30 pm on Wednesday evenings to study "The Truth Project". This group is led by Dan Ormsby.
Other Groups
Meets at FPC Founders Hall. First meeting is Sept 3rd from 7-8 pm. Men 18 and up can engage in enriching bible study sessions focused on 'The Reproducing Disciple' by Dr. Crawford Loritts, as well as foster spiritual growth and fellowship through a variety events and outings.